Malfy Con Limone Gin

750ml Bottle

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    Pernod Ricard
    41% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Malfy Con Limone Gin marries the finest Italian coastal lemons with our family's unique gin recipe to create a one-of-a-kind spirit. Distilled with classic Italian Juniper and Sfusato lemon peels from the Amalfi Coast - it has delightful citrus and juniper on the nose with a complex flavor of anise, citrus, and coriander. Also, we use Italian coastal oranges and Sicilian grapefruits. This citrus-forward gin is unlike any other. It is perfect with a premium tonic and a slice of lemon. Malfy Gin's key botanical additions are Lemon peels sourced from the Italian coastline. Malfy Con Limone Gin is perfectly balanced at 41% alcohol by volume - enough strength to carry the delicious flavors of the botanicals, but not so strong as to be overwhelming. The flavor is deliciously zesty citrus while still maintaining classic complex gin flavors. Malfy Con Limone Gin contains lemon zing, with a long, complex finish, deliciously refreshing. Today, our family makes Malfy G.Q.D.I. (Gin di Qualita Distillato in Italia) at our distillery in Moncalieri. We use Italian ingredients across our range of gins to give Malfy its signature Italian flavor. We hope you enjoy Malfy Con Limone Gin as much as we do. Malfy Con Limone Gin is perfect for an Italian summer afternoon. It will convert even the non-gin lovers. Enjoy!